WikiWhich types of Product Images would be fit for eCommerce Store

Which types of Product Images would be fit for eCommerce Store

Aug 23, 2023

How can you add quality images that do not affect the performance of ecommerce store? Some businesses make mistakes of adding heavy media that slowsdown their website and increase the bounce rates. So, to make things simpler we have some unique strategies listed below. 

In an eCommerce store, product images play a crucial role in influencing customer decisions and conveying information about the products. The goal is to showcase products in the best possible way to help customers make informed purchasing decisions.

Here are some types of product images that are generally fit for an eCommerce store:

Standard Product Images:

These are the most common types of Standard Product Images. They show the product from various angles, highlighting its features, details, and dimensions. Standard images give customers a clear view of what they’re purchasing.

Close-Up and Detail Shots:

Close-up images focus on specific details of the product, such as textures, stitching, patterns, or intricate designs. These shots provide a more in-depth view and help customers assess product quality.

Contextual or Lifestyle Images:

These images show the product being used in real-life situations or settings. For example, if you’re selling furniture, showing a sofa in a living room setting can help customers visualize how it would fit into their own spaces.

Scale and Size Images:

Including images that display the product’s size relative to common objects (such as a coin or a hand) can help customers better understand the dimensions of the product.

Product Variations Images:

If a product comes in different colours, sizes, or variations, it’s a good practice to provide images for each variation. This helps customers choose the specific variation they want.

Before-and-After Images (if applicable):

If your product offers a noticeable transformation, such as skin care products or fitness equipment, including before-and-after images can showcase the results.

Packaging Images:

If your product comes in special packaging, showcasing the packaging can add to the overall presentation and appeal of the product.

Usage Demonstration Images or Videos:

Videos or images showing how to use the product can be very helpful, especially for complex or technical products.

360-Degree Images or Spin Views:

These interactive images allow customers to rotate the product virtually and examine it from all angles, providing a more immersive experience.

User-Generated Content:

Encouraging customers to share their own images of the product in use can provide authentic social proof and a sense of community.

Infographics or Diagrams:

For products with technical features or specifications, infographics or diagrams can help explain complex information in a more visually digestible manner.

Remember, the quality of your product images matters a lot. They should be well-lit, high-resolution, and accurately represent the product. Consistency in image style and quality across your eCommerce store helps establish a professional and trustworthy brand image.

When you add images it is important to choose a variety of them to keep your customers engaged. We have listed multiple styles that can be added in your website to increase customer retention on the website. 

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