Ecommerce Operation

In a Ecommerce operation we deal with Product Upload, Image Cleaning, Product Optimization, Customer Support, Ecommerce personal assistant, Coupon code management , and Order Processing

Product Upload
Product Upload white

Product Upload

Simple products are individual items that are sold as is. They have a few basic attributes like a title, description, price, and image. If you want to sell physical goods, digital downloads, or services without any extra options or variations, then simple products are the way to go.

  • Bulk Product Upload
  • Bundle Product
  • Configurable Product
  • Downloadable Product
  • Grouped Product
  • Simple Product
  • Single Product Upload
  • Virtual Product
Image Cleaning
Image Cleaning white

Image Cleaning

We will optimize the images where we reduce their size, compresses them, and ensure no compromise with the quality. This will speeds up the page loading.

  • Add Description
  • Alt Text
  • Choose the Right Image File Type
  • Compress Your Images
  • Define Dimensions
  • Making Mobile-friendly Images
  • Use Image Sitemaps
Product Optimization
product optimization white

Product Optimization

Our team believes in optimizing the products for better reach and engaging the customers with accurate information.

  • Adding Bullets with Keywords
  • Adding Meta Tags
  • Catchy and Persuasive Product Descriptions
  • Competitor Analysis
  • Create SEO title using of the Target Keywords
  • Increase Trust with Customer Reviews and Ratings.
  • Keyword Research
  • Other Required Optimization
  • Product Image Optimization
  • Upsell and Cross-Sell Relevant Products.
Customer Support (Chat, Email, Phone)
customer support white

Customer Support (Chat, Email, Phone)

When you run an online store it becomes crucial to provide strong customer service, to gain their trust and retain them for longer interval.

  • Chat Support
  • Email Support
  • Phone call Support