BlogHow To Manage Performance And UX Issues In e-commerce Platforms?

How To Manage Performance And UX Issues In e-commerce Platforms?

Oct 10, 2022
How To Manage Performance And UX Issues In e-commerce Platforms?

When running an eCommerce store, minor updates can help scale your business. The main aim is to build a bridge between your resources and customers. Some people also believe in getting e-commerce store management services to meet their ultimate business goal. 

The website will begin to grow once you update the performance and UX, as they are the core elements of the platform. This content will focus on all the vital components and strategies to optimize your store. 

You might be able to find an effective and efficient solution to your problem!

What is e-commerce?

This is referred to as a web-based solution that deals with two segments:

  • Manufacturers: It provides goods and services that customers can display on the digital platform.
  • Customers: The borrowers will browse through the e-commerce store for products and services. 

Making this the perfect bridge between sellers and buyers is essential. 

What is User Experience?

When you design a website, it is important to note that it must be a simple, smooth, and seamless experience for the visitors. The main aim is to deliver information instantly and make their journey effortless. 

This segment focuses on all the interactions and processes between users and your website. It begins when they first visit your platform through search engines or advertisements. E-commerce business owners must have the perfect blend of market research, strategy, design, and product development to provide great UX. 

What is the performance of eCommerce platforms?

79% of dissatisfied customers with site performance will never visit your platform again. The website with performance issues affects your searchability, leading to losing potential customers. There are some common performance issues in eCommerce that you need to look for:

  • Large Media: Most eCommerce stores rely on videos, images, and other media to make their platform engaging. The file type and size greatly impact the website’s loading speed.
  • Excessive Scripts: Many online businesses have many different third-party scripts running in the background. Sometimes, poor implementation leads to severe crashes or blocking of the site.
  • Slow Server: This is the most common cause of hindering your eCommerce store’s performance. It leads to losing potential conversions. 

Key Considerations for Designing an eCommerce Website


1. Simple Navigation

There is no use in building a beautiful website that does not meet the final aim of generating leads. The UX of the website must be quick, and visitors do not have to struggle to find relevant solutions. Complex navigation is the most common reason for higher bounce rates. 

You can easily connect with

 to keep every website element in a structured format. This also makes your web pages more trustworthy and credible. The number of clicks to reach the final destination must be limited. 

2. Eye-Catchy Homepage

Normally, it takes just 0.5 seconds for a visitor to make a judgment about your website. Creating a simple, reliable, and valuable page to gain attention is significant. Some highlights you must consider are:

  • Logo Design: The first thing that will be noticed on the homepage is your brand identity. Ensure it is easy to recognize and unique. Place the logo in the right place that is viewable and precise. 
  • Footer: Being an eCommerce platform, it is crucial to add links that redirect to important sections of the business. This can be customer support, FAQs, or social media. 

3. Showcase Call-To-Action Clearly

You must have timely and specific CTAs on your platform. You need a skilled e-commerce store management service to ensure that it does not spam the visitor and instead provides them with a clear scope. The content should be simple and clear for the audience. 

4. Add On-Site Search

This is basic, but many websites still do not offer this feature, indicating that the platform is not optimized. This is a solid feature that helps provide users with a reliable shopping experience. People often are very specific about the things they are looking for, as this gives them a faster solution. 

5. Making simple checkout

The procedure of making a successful purchase involves multiple steps, and sometimes this becomes stressful and leads to losing potential leads. It is mandatory to focus on forms collecting data, payment methods, order delivery, and more. 

It is better to keep everything minimal and provide an auto-complete function for some data fields. Also, allows users to save some information for future purchases. Providing a secure payment gateway for your store is vital to gaining customers’ trust. 

6. Smart Usage of White Space

Many users are looking for specific information and want to reach there with minimal clicks. So, presenting everything in segments makes understanding and grabbing quality information easier. Presenting everything in a single space will make it challenging for the users. 

How to Improve Performance of an eCommerce Platform

I. Quality Plugins and Extensions

The website’s performance is important to gain traffic and generate conversions for the business. Adding high-quality plugins is the best method to optimize the store. The main goal of adding them is to provide better functionalities and benefits for the company.

A smart virtual assistant staffing will avoid plugins that have complex content scripts, assets, and operations. They will help you focus on the important ones and avoid installing the ones that will hinder your platform’s performance. 

II. Speed of Page loads

Nowadays, people are looking for page loads within 3 seconds due to many options. Moreover, the website owner has just 5 seconds to gain visitors’ attention before they abandon your platform. 

Google also considers this factor in deciding the ranking of your platform. You need to understand that if your page loading is more than 10 seconds, it will frustrate the users, and they will abandon the website. You need an expert to ensure that every factor is managed to provide a faster website. 

III. Mobile-Friendly

Every business wants to win the competition in this competitive market. A strong presence on mobile devices helps target more audiences and generate leads. Did you know that nearly seven out of ten look for the business on their mobile devices even before visiting the store?

There are multiple reasons to get e-commerce or Magento Store Management to make your platform highly responsive on numerous mobile devices. Various tools can be used to check the performance of your store. 

IV. Reliable Hosting Service

The infrastructure of the platform has a great influence on the site’s performance. Due to slow hosts, many businesses crash during heavy transactions or high traffic. It would help if you focused on the memory or bandwidth limit to scale your business. Also, consider the peak user load to avoid crashing in a sudden spike on your store. 

V. Add Minimal pop-ups

Adding pop-ups on the website has a high effect as it catches the users’ attention faster. You must focus on saving the customers the time consumed to make the final decision. Some things you must avoid are:

  • Avoid adding an extra step in the customer journey
  • Accidental clicking and redirections 
  • Make it clear and avoid confusing the customers 
  • Sometimes it affects the page loading speed

Have a limited set for the pop-ups and make them a quick view. So this helps to keep your customers longer in the store without struggling to reach the desired location. 

What are the benefits of having great UX and performance?

Many websites offer products and services, but uniqueness and customer satisfaction are important. E-commerce product store management ensures good performance, and UX requires managing all the crucial elements of the website. We will give you some reasons to focus on them:

  • Higher Customer Retention: An appealing and engaging platform will help gain customers’ attention and grow your business.
  • Boost Quality Traffic: Follow the right standards of UX/UI on the website to entice good performance of the website. You can always get custom solutions to match your brand reputation.
  • Efficiency and Productivity: When you have easy-to-use, faster, and relevant information on your online store, it will automatically generate results. Once you maintain efficiency in the store will boost productivity, which means better customer satisfaction.
  • Simple Search and Navigation: Once you remove unnecessary clicks and steps from the customer journey, they will interact more with the store. Providing the proper search and navigation will boost customer engagement.
  • Increases Sales: An e-commerce store should know the buyer’s intent to provide a great store experience. Provide multiple methods to reach products on the site, making the process less time-consuming.
  • Build Customer loyalty: It is important to drive credibility and trust in your store to generate returns. Emphasize the problems and sentiments of the customers at every stage of the purchase cycle.
  • Interactive platform: A significant part of UX and performance is the design that grabs attention, is unique and is recognizable. This will set you apart from the competition and provide brand recognition.
  • Visual Consistency: Users will seamlessly navigate through the website and engage for longer intervals if they have consistency. Make sure to communicate regularly and maintain visual consistency for a better user experience. 

The Final Note!

We have shared with you some insights on how to maintain your eCommerce store and beat the competition in the market. But what is the main goal of an e-commerce store? To gain better returns and leads by optimizing the store. Whether online or mobile shopping, they have become a common part of everyone’s life. The market brings great opportunities. The only thing to focus on is bringing unique functionalities and features.  

The strategy should perfectly balance UX design, UI design, and website performance. With the help of skilled e-commerce store management services, this becomes hassle-free as they have the right resources and knowledge to provide the right solution for your niche. 


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