Blog6 exclusive tips to encourage your customers for reviews

6 exclusive tips to encourage your customers for reviews

May 21, 2021
6 exclusive tips to encourage your customers for reviews

So you are planning to buy something online. You researched the product online and found an appropriate product that serves the core purpose, and then you ordered it. 

Within a few days, the product arrives at your doorstep. 

You have just started using the product, and you get an email from the eCommerce company asking for a review of the product. 

You wonder why companies send repetitive emails about writing reviews. You might get annoyed or stop opening emails from that company. 

Well, reviews are crucial not just for companies but also for you. 

Suppose you run an eCommerce store or a B2B or B2C business or own a restaurant or a shop in your locality. Reviews are essential for any business to find loopholes in your products or services and for the betterment of your services. 

Without reviews, you would not be able to understand the issues. When you don’t know the problems, how will you ever address them? 

However, it is trickier for businesses to convince people to write positive reviews. 

The sad part is happy customers will not ever tell you that they are happy. Only unsatisfied customers will write reviews on your website or app. 

How to convince your happy customers to write reviews for your business, especially when satisfied with your offerings? 

Should you hire review services that work professionally to get the reviews you are looking for? 

Should you send personalized emails to your customers, motivating them to write reviews? 

In this post, we have discussed some of the exclusive tips to motivate your happy customers to write reviews for your products or services. 

Before we discuss tips, let’s understand why customer reviews are important. 

First, if you are a local brand, positive reviews will help with your SEO. 

In addition to that, when you have positive reviews for a particular product in your portfolio, it will be identified by search engines, and you will get good visibility online for that specific product. 

As per the research by Spiegel, 95% of customers read online reviews before purchasing products online. 

The same survey also concludes that when a product gets five reviews, the possibility of it being purchased increases by 270% 

Another research by BrightLocal shows that 93% of local customers will check reviews before buying a product from a local shop. 

What do these statistics reveal? 

Customer reviews are very crucial to increase your sales and revenues. 

You should leave no stone unturned to ensure that your happy customers are reviewing your offerings after purchasing. No matter what you believe, your potential customers will indeed look at the review section before making a purchase decision. 

Now, Let me share some tips to get reviews from your happy customers. 

Stay tuned! 

Start by Just Asking

Well, starting by just asking your customers to write reviews would be a great start. 

Irrespective of how you approach your customers, ask them politely about reviews. 

If they are happy and satisfied, they will reciprocate positively. 

You can approach them by sending emails, mentioning them on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, sending SMS to their mobile phones, or asking them while on your website. 

You can also add a call-to-action button on the menu to your invoice or gratitude email you send to them. 

Create a Process for Asking for Reviews

You need to have a process for asking for reviews. You cannot randomly ask your customers for reviews. It will serve no purpose. 

Sit with your digital marketing experts from the virtual assistant services and define a process for asking for reviews. Having a defined process in the first place will help you to get more responses.

Use automated tools for asking for reviews. 

There are automated tools to ask for reviews from your customers. 

When you have automated the review process, it will introduce continuity for review requests. 

You can also create a customer review template that can be sent to customers. 

Define a specific set of actions and make your automated review asking forms. 

Doing it manually will not serve the core purpose. Also, it will create inconsistency. 

Target only satisfied customers 

Don’t just ask for reviews; ask for reviews to only satisfied customers. 

Your main objective should be to get good, positive reviews from happy customers. 

Every time a customer is happy, ask him/her to write a review. They would happily give a review as they are happy and content. 

However, you need to identify happy customers. You can do many activities to find satisfied customers. 

You can conduct surveys quarterly or annually to find out who your happy customers are. 

You can make a customer review format and send it to your customers once the order is delivered to them. 

Also, you can turn your unsatisfied customers into happy customers. First of all, you can ask them to give a rating. If they give a bad rating, you can ask them how to improve their experience. Address issues mentioned by them and then encourage them to provide a review. 

Send them personalized asks. 

Another way to get customers’ reviews is to make you ask highly personalized. 

If you have hired customer review services, ask them to make a customized ask for customers you find critical. 

You can personalize the ask in many ways. You can send a personal video appreciating them for collaborating with you, or you can call them or draft a customer review template that is highly personalized. 

Make the review writing process as simple as possible. 

Tedious and annoying review writing processes are a big no-no. 

You can make the review writing as simple as possible with the help of virtual assistant companies in USA. Use a request review template if possible to streamline the process of review writing.

Also, you can provide a link to your customers that redirects them directly to your Google My Business Page. 


These are some exclusive tips to encourage your happy customers to write reviews. 

You can hire professional review service providers if you don’t have in-house resources. They are professionals and have all tools and resources to cater to your needs. 

Ensure that all happy customers end up writing positive reviews for your brand. It will help you to make your brand more trustworthy. Also, it will lead to more traffic and more conversions for your business.

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