WikiHow to Compress images

How to Compress images

May 17, 2023

Image compression is used for the best practices of SEO to improve website performance and enhance user experience. Images play an important role when it comes to website optimization because they contribute to the overall page size and loading speed. To compress images, you can follow these steps:

Choose the right file format: Select the appropriate file format based on the type of image and its requirements. JPEG is commonly used for photographs, while PNG is suitable for images with sharp lines or transparency. WebP is a newer format that provides good compression and quality.

Use image editing software: Open an image editing software like Adobe Photoshop, or GIMP, or an online tool like Pixlr or TinyPNG.

Resize the image: If the image dimensions are larger than necessary for your website, resize it to the desired dimensions. This step reduces file size without compromising quality. In most image editing software, you can find the resize option under the “Image” or “Canvas” menu.

Adjust image quality settings: For JPEG images, reducing the quality level can significantly reduce the file size. 

Page load times can be improved by compressing images and apart from that it can reduce bandwidth usage as well. By implementing image compression techniques, you can optimize your website for faster loading speeds, better user engagement, and improved search engine visibility, ultimately leading to a more successful online presence.


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