WikiHow to resize images

How to resize images

May 17, 2023

The resizing of images plays an important role in SEO and refers to the practice of adjusting the dimensions and file size of images on a website for enhanced SEO. The practice involves optimizing and resizing images for faster page load times, improving the overall user experience. It also ensures that the images are displayed correctly across different screens and devices. To resize images, you can use various methods and tools depending on your needs. Here are a few common approaches:

Image Editing Software:

  • Professional image editing software like Adobe Photoshop or GIMP provides extensive tools for resizing images. Here’s a general procedure:
  • Open the image in your preferred software.
  • Go to the “Image” or “Edit” menu and select the “Resize” or “Image Size” option.
  • Specify the new dimensions for the image. You can enter the desired width and height in pixels or choose a percentage of the original size.
  • Make sure to maintain the aspect ratio to avoid distorting the image. Most software allows you to constrain proportions or lock the aspect ratio.
  • Apply the changes and save the resized image with a new file name to preserve the original.

Resizing images for SEO is crucial for improving page load speed, enhancing user experience, optimizing for mobile devices, reducing bandwidth and storage requirements, and enhancing image-related SEO elements. By optimizing images, you create a faster, more engaging, and accessible website, which can positively impact your search engine rankings and overall SEO performance.


Online Image Resizing Tools:

  • Several online tools offer simple and convenient ways to resize images without requiring any software installation. Here’s a basic process:
  • Search for “online image resizing” or similar keywords to find a suitable tool. Examples include PicResize,, or Canva’s Image Resizer.
  • Upload the image from your computer or provide the URL of an image hosted online.
  • Enter the desired dimensions or choose from preset sizes.
  • Optionally, you may have additional options to adjust image quality, file format, or other settings.
  • Click the “Resize” or similar button to initiate the resizing process.
  • Once the image is resized, download it to your computer.

Command-Line Tools:

If you’re comfortable with using the command line, you can employ tools like ImageMagick or graphics libraries in programming languages. These tools offer advanced capabilities for batch resizing images. Here’s an example using ImageMagick (available for Windows, macOS, and Linux):

  • Install ImageMagick on your system.
  • Open the command prompt or terminal.
  • Navigate to the directory where the image is located, or provide the full path to the image file.
  • Use the convert command with the desired options to resize the image. For example, to resize an image to 800 pixels in width, you can use

convert input.jpg -resize 800x output.jpg

Replace input.jpg with the name of your input image and output.jpg with the desired output filename.

Remember to maintain the image’s aspect ratio while resizing to avoid distortion. Additionally, always keep a backup of your original image files before making any changes, especially when using irreversible resizing methods.


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