BlogSmart Integration of Walmart Marketplace with Shopify Store

Smart Integration of Walmart Marketplace with Shopify Store

May 20, 2024
Smart Integration of Walmart Marketplace with Shopify Store

In the modern e-commerce arena, the integration of Walmart Marketplace with a Shopify store is crucial for businesses looking to extend their online presence and increase sales growth.

This merger creates a very strong coupling between the two top platforms, the huge reach and customers of Walmart, and the customizable storefront and management system of Shopify.

In this article, we explore the numerous advantages and strategic benefits that are offered by Walmart Shopify integration

What are the benefits of the Walmart marketplace?

Large Customer Base

The Walmart Marketplace attracts millions of customers daily. Thus, the sellers have the opportunity to reach a large and diverse group of people.

Brand Visibility

Selling on Walmart increases the exposure for businesses. Therefore, it improves the brand visibility and recognition among shoppers.

High Traffic

With a huge online presence, Walmart SEO website guarantees a high number of visitors. Thus the chances for product discovery by the potential customers are much higher.

Trust and Reputation

Walmart SEO being linked to sellers makes them reliable, as the brand is widely recognized by consumers for its quality products and services.

Multi-Channel Sales

Walmart’s marketplace is a platform that allows sellers to access customers through different channels, for instance, online and in-store sales.

Fulfillment Options

Sellers can pick the method of fulfillment they prefer, for example, Feed-Walmart (FBW) or third-party logistics providers, to make the process of order fulfillment and delivery simpler.

Competitive Fees

Walmart’s commission fees for sellers are on par with market rates, thus helping businesses to have a good profit margin.

Marketing Opportunities

Sellers can use marketing and advertising opportunities offered by Walmart automation store to promote their products and enhance their visibility.

Seller Support

Walmart automation store provides sellers with the necessary support and resources to onboard them and optimize their products and customer service.

Seller Tools and Analytics

Sellers are provided with numerous tools and analytics to analyze sales performance, keep track of inventory levels, and improve product listings for better visibility and sales. 

What are the benefits of a Shopify store?

Easy Setup

Shopify has a very simple system with a user-friendly interface and tools that are easy to install, thus, a person can create an online store even if he/she has little technical knowledge.

Customizable Design

Companies can establish a storefront that stands out by choosing from a wide variety of themes and design options, thus, they can express their brand identity in a very effective way.

Multi-Channel Selling

Shopify app store helps businesses promote their products through various devices like their own e-commerce site, social media platforms, and marketplaces like Amazon and eBay. Thus, the businesses can have wider coverage and hence they can get more customers.

Secure and Reliable

Shopify gives strong security features and dependable hosting, thus, customers can shop with confidence and businesses can work smoothly without the fear of technical problems.

Payment Processing

Shopify gives payment processing options that are integrated, thus, businesses can accept different payment methods, e.g., credit cards, PayPal, and Apple Pay, which makes the check-out process for customers very easy.


The Shopify SEO platform is very scalable, hence, businesses can quickly expand their online store as their sales and inventory grow without any technical problems or performance issues.

Marketing and SEO Tools

Shopify app store has a broad range of marketing and SEO tools for businesses that are required to connect with their customers, increase the traffic to their store, and boost their online presence for the search engines.

Analytics and Reporting

Through the application of extensive analytics and reports, Shopify virtual assistant allows businesses to monitor sales performance, analyze customer behavior, and get useful insights to make decisions for their marketing and business strategies.

App Integrations

Shopify app store has a lot of third-party integrations and add-ons, which enables businesses to enhance the features and capabilities of their online store.

Support and Community

Shopify has a team of experts, like Shopify virtual assistants for online help, and a community of users who are ready to help and advise businesses anytime, providing them with the right support anytime. 

How to integrate Walmart Marketplace with the Shopify store?

  • Get all the documents ready, such as your business tax ID and proof of eCommerce experience. Verify that your products satisfy Walmart’s criteria, for example, having GTIN/UPC numbers. 
  • Get a Walmart Marketplace account, fill in the correct details, and sign the terms and conditions. 
  • Check your business details and complete your Seller Profile to build credibility. 
  • Input your payment information; there is no setup or subscription fee for selling on Walmart. 
  • In the integration process, you have to correctly input your Shopify shop’s URL to connect it to Walmart Marketplace. You can hire Walmart Virtual Assistant for assistance. 
  • Plan the shipping methods and prices, taking into account the delivery destinations and return policies.
  • For integration, enter your Shopify store’s Client Secret/Client ID for your secure communication. 
  • Get to the Seller Center after launch to modify settings, get the reports, and improve your selling experience. 
  • Walmart charges a referral fee ranging from 6% to 20% of the sales price; there are no hidden fees. 
  • Last but not least, hire Walmart Virtual Assistant to introduce to your Walmart store items that conform with their standards and policies, thereby meeting the requirements and being ready for sales. 

Set up Shopify marketplace connect

  • Through the Shopify Marketplace Connect app, you can easily connect your products to your Walmart dashboard and manage listings, orders, and inventory directly from your Shopify account. Here’s how to set it up: 
  • Go to the Shopify app store download the Shopify Marketplace Connect app and then choose Walmart as the marketplace. 
  • Before connecting, make sure that your Walmart seller’s account is verified and that the shipping rates and store policies are set according to Walmart’s regulations. 
  • Go to Shopify admin > Settings > Apps and sales channels > Marketplace Connect > Open app, then choose Connect marketplaces and follow the prompts for Walmart. 
  • Synchronize the products, inventory, and orders between Shopify and Walmart Marketplace integration, thereby, facilitating the automatic updates when you make changes in Shopify. 

How to import and customize product listings

To import your products and modify listings from your Shopify store to the Walmart dashboard using the Marketplace Connect app, utilize these customization options: 


  • Metafields offers additional information that is not available in the Shopify admin. 
  • Once the metafields are established, use attribute mapping to match them with Walmart.
  • Prevent the duplication of meta field names to make the syncing easier. 

Attribute mapping.

  • Go to Settings > Apps and sales channels in Shopify. 
  • Go to the Click Marketplace Connect > Open app. 
  • Select Mapping. Select Walmart from the drop-down menu.
  • Choose the Shopify attributes* you want to sync with Walmart from the menus. 
  • Save your choices. 

Product titles

  • Normally, the product names on Shopify are used as titles on Walmart.
  • You can personalize the product by including the product attributes in the title field. 

Grouping or modifying the individual products

  • Go to Settings > Apps and sales channels > Marketplace Connect > App Open. 
  • Click Listings and choose Walmart. 
  • Use Single edit mode, choose a product, and then: Use single edit mode, choose a product, and then: 
  • The first step is to check Enabled under Listing Enabled, and then finish the necessary fields. 
  • To change an existing listing, modify the required fields. 
  • Save your changes.

Listing or editing bulk products.

  • In Marketplace Connect, go to Listings, then choose Walmart.
  • Use Bulk editing mode.
  • You can also filter products by status, tag, or SKU product identifiers if you want to 
  • Choose the products you want to add or modify. 
  • For new products, pick Enabled, then fill up the necessary data. 
  • For existing published products, change the required columns. 
  • Save changes. 

What are the benefits of integrating Walmart with Shopify?

Expand Customer Reach

Through Walmart with Shopify integration, businesses can access Walmart’s big customer base, thus making millions of shoppers and widening their brand’s visibility.

Multi-Channel Selling

Combining Walmart with Shopify SEO allows businesses to sell their products on several channels. Thus, this is their way of widening their sales channels and reaching a wider audience.

Streamlined Operations

With Walmart Shopify integration, the order, inventory, and product listings management becomes efficient with integration. Companies can manage all their Walmart sales through their Shopify dashboard, making operations easier and saving time.

Centralized Management

Through integration, businesses can handle their whole e-commerce operation from one platform. They can alter the product information, fulfill the orders, and monitor the sales performance seamlessly, like Shopify SEO, thus, they simplify the management tasks.

Synced Inventory

Integration of inventory levels ensures that the inventory is the same in both Shopify and Walmart. Therefore, excess stock is prevented, the probability of out-of-stock is minimized, and inventory management becomes more efficient.

Efficient Order Fulfillment

Businesses can handle Walmart orders using their existing Shopify fulfillment processes, which will eliminate the need for manual order processing and at the same time, reduce fulfillment errors.

Consistent Branding

The integration enables businesses to keep the same branding on their Shopify store and Walmart Marketplace integration. They can adapt the product descriptions, images, and prices to match their brand identity and message.

Access to Shopify Tools and Apps

The Shopify ecosystem provides businesses with a set of tools and apps like Shopify SEO to increase their Internet commerce abilities. Shopify has created a solid background for online sales growth by incorporating marketing automation, analytics, and reporting tools within its system.

Cost-Effective Selling

The Walmart Shopify integration would significantly lower the startup costs and fees as compared to other e-commerce platforms. Organizations can leverage Shopify’s scalability and affordability as a means to expand their sales and distribution channels economically.

Increased Sales Potential

Via employing the tools of Shopify and Walmart, the companies get the opportunity to elevate their sales and access new grounds for development in the dynamic e-commerce world.


The strategic mix of Walmart and Shopify stores is a necessary approach for businesses in the changing era of online trading.

Jointly, the platforms offer businesses a window to millions of probable customers, uniform operations, and prospects for expansion.

The collaboration between Walmart marketplace and Shopify is very good for startups and big businesses. 

These online stores can improve their online presence, increase sales and grow their brand for the long term in the digital age.

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