WikiHow many types of campaigns are available on Tiktok?

How many types of campaigns are available on Tiktok?

May 29, 2023

Campaign ads have proved to be extremely beneficial when it comes to running ads for a longer duration. Campaign ads can be modified occasionally by changing the ad sets and keeping the targets and goals the same. TikTok offers several types of ad campaigns to suit different marketing objectives and goals.

Different Ad Campaigns on TikTok

I. Awareness Campaigns

Goal: Reach a broad audience and ignite brand awareness.

Action: Increase brand visibility and establish a strong presence within your target market.



This TikTok campaign prioritizes maximizing the impressions your ad garners amongst your target audience. This approach is ideal for launching new products, introducing your brand to a new market segment, or boosting brand recognition within your existing target market.

Best practices
  • Eye-Catching Video Ads: Prioritize high-quality, visually captivating video ads that grab attention and leave a long-lasting impression within the fast-paced TikTok campaign feed. Remember, short-form video is king (or queen) on a platform like TikTok.
  • Broad Targeting: Leverage demographic targeting options like age, location, interests, and even psychographic targeting to reach users whose values and lifestyles align with your brand identity. The broader the audience at this stage, the more brand awareness you’ll generate.
  • Compelling Storytelling: Craft a captivating brand narrative that resonates with your target audience in the short timeframe of a TikTok ad. Highlight your brand values, mission, and the unique experience you offer. Let your brand story come alive through the visuals and messaging of your ad.


A sustainable clothing brand, “Eco-Threads,” launches a new line of organic cotton apparel. They create a Reach Campaign featuring a visually stunning video showcasing the eco-friendly production process and stylish designs. The ad targets a broad audience interested in fashion and sustainability, sparking brand recognition and curiosity about the new clothing line. Even if users don’t immediately visit the website, they’ll remember “Eco-Threads” for future eco-conscious fashion needs.

II. Consideration Campaigns

Goal: Generate interest and engagement with your product or service, building stronger connections with potential customers.

Action: Spark interest in your offerings and encourage interaction with your brand.



TikTok ads manager will use this campaign goal to drive website traffic to the landing page or product page, allowing users to learn more about your offerings.

Best practices
  • Clear CTAs: Include a clear call to action (CTA) in your video ad that tells users exactly what you want them to do next, whether it’s “Visit Our Website” or “Learn More.”
  • Landing Page Optimization: Ensure your landing page provides a seamless user experience that aligns with your ad’s message. Make it easy for users to find the information they’re looking for and take the desired action.

An educational app, “Langaroo,” aims to attract new users. They create a Traffic Campaign featuring an engaging video ad showcasing a student successfully using the app to learn a new language. This ad targets people interested in language learning and includes a CTA to visit the app’s website for a free trial. 

By showcasing the app’s functionality and offering a free trial, Langaroo is nurturing interest and potentially converting curious users into paying customers.

App Installs
  • Persuade users to download your mobile app and explore its functionalities.
Best practices
  • Highlight App Benefits: Showcase your app’s core features and benefits in the video creative. Focus on what makes your app unique and valuable to users.

A fitness studio, “Move & Groove,” wants to increase downloads of their mobile app, allowing users to book classes and access on-demand workouts. They create an App Installs Campaign featuring a dynamic video ad showcasing their diverse range of workout classes led by energetic instructors. This ad targets people interested in fitness, with a clear CTA to download the app and start a free trial. By showcasing the convenience and variety offered by the app, Move & Groove is encouraging users to give it a try.

Video Views
  • Maximize views and engagement with your video content, allowing you to showcase your brand story, product demonstrations, or behind-the-scenes glimpses.
Best practices
  • Trending Hashtags: TikTok ads agency will use trending hashtags in your video ad. This can help your ad appear on relevant hashtag challenge pages and expose it to a wider audience.
  • Incorporate Trends: Pay attention to current trends and challenges on TikTok and consider incorporating them into your video ad in an authentic way. This can spark user engagement and ride the wave of trending content.

A travel agency, “World Wanderers,” wants to promote its luxury vacation packages. They create a Video Views Campaign featuring a stunning video showcasing a breathtaking tropical destination with idyllic beaches, luxurious resorts, and exciting adventure activities. This ad targets people interested in travel, captivating them with the beauty of the location and enticing them to learn more about available vacation packages.

By showcasing their packages’ aspirational lifestyle, World Wanderers is sparking wanderlust and potentially converting viewers into future vacationers.

Lead Generation
  • Capture leads by gathering user contact information for future marketing efforts.
Best practices
  • Interactive Lead Capture Forms: Utilize interactive lead capture forms within your video ads, such as pop-up forms that appear after users watch a certain portion of the video. Offer valuable incentives like e-books or discount codes in exchange for user information. But, make sure to set a realistic budget for TikTok ads cost.

An e-commerce store, “Summer Style,” wants to build its email list for future marketing campaigns. They create a Lead Generation Campaign featuring a visually appealing video showcasing their latest summer collection. This ad includes an interactive lead capture form where users can sign up for the email list in exchange for a discount code on their first purchase. 

Summer Style is using lead generation to expand their reach and nurture potential customers through email marketing.

III. Conversion Campaigns

Goal: Encourage users to take specific actions that lead to conversions or sales on your website or app.



This objective drives desired actions within your app or on your website, such as online purchases, account sign-ups, in-app purchases, or event registrations.

Best practices
  • Retargeting: Target visitors who have already engaged with your brand through past advertising campaigns or website visits. By doing this, you can connect with customers who are already aware of your brand and are more likely to become customers.
  • Conversion Tracking: Implement conversion tracking pixels on your website or app to monitor user actions after clicking on your TikTok ad. This data allows you to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and optimize them for better results.

An online course platform, “Skill Up,” wants to increase course enrollments. They create a Conversions Campaign targeting users who have previously visited their website and browsed specific course categories. They use the TikTok ads library to create a compelling ad that showcases testimonials from satisfied students and highlights the benefits of their online learning platform. 

This retargeting approach allows Skill Up to reach users. Who are already interested in their courses and nudge them towards enrollment.

TikTok’s huge audience base and high engagement rate are just two of the many reasons why it’s quickly becoming the go-to platform for marketers looking to advertise. Because of these features, businesses looking to reach younger generations and an international audience choose TikTok as their go-to platform.

Leveraging TikTok’s full potential requires an understanding of its advertising features and benefits. Always keep in mind that the secret is to know your audience, make engaging videos, target the appropriate audience, and skillfully lead viewers to the desired action.

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