WikiHow many types of campaign we run on Snapchat

How many types of campaign we run on Snapchat

May 17, 2023

Snapchat boasts 800 million monthly active users, of which 414 million are active daily. 

Snapchat ads have become a staple for brands’ social media strategies. Businesses have to pay to play in the game of Snapchat if they want to succeed on the platform. However, generating random ads will not solve the problem. Businesses must understand different types of Snapchat ad campaigns to get the desired results.

Types of Snapchat ad campaigns

I. Awareness Campaigns

Goal: Reach a broad audience and enhance brand awareness.

Action: Increase brand visibility and establish a strong presence within your target market.


  • This is the broadest objective within Awareness campaigns. It focuses on maximizing the impressions your ad garners amongst your target audience. This approach is ideal for launching new products, introducing your brand to a new demographic, or simply boosting brand recognition within your existing target market.
Promote Places
  • This subtype specifically targets users located near your physical business location. It is a valuable tool for brick-and-mortar stores, restaurants, or event venues looking to attract nearby Snapchatters and drive in-store visits or event attendance.
Strategic Approach
  • Visually Captivating Snaps: Snapchat ads manager will prioritize high-quality images or eye-catching video Snaps (short, disappearing video clips) that grab attention and leave a lasting impression. Remember, Snapchat thrives on ephemeral content, so make your ads count.
  • Broad Targeting: Cast a wider net by leveraging demographic targeting options like age, location, and interests. Consider psychographic targeting to reach users whose values and lifestyles align with your brand identity. The broader the audience at this stage, the more brand awareness you will generate.
  • Compelling CTAs (Optional): While brand awareness campaigns focus on impressions, you can consider incorporating a subtle call to action (CTA) like “Learn More” or “Swipe Up for Info” to spark initial user engagement.

II. Consideration Campaigns

Goal: Generate interest and engagement with your product or service, building stronger connections with potential customers.

Action: Spark interest in your offerings and encourage interaction with your brand.


App Installs
  • Encourage users to download your mobile app and explore its functionalities.
Strategic Approach
  • Highlight App Benefits: Showcase your app’s core features and benefits in the Snap creative. Focus on what makes your app unique and valuable to users.
Drive Traffic to the Website
  • Drive website traffic to your landing page or product page, allowing users to learn more about your offerings.
Strategic Approach
  • Landing Page Optimization: Ensure your landing page provides a seamless user experience that aligns with your Snap ad’s message. Make it easy for users to find the information they want and take the desired action.
Drive Traffic to App
  • Similar to driving traffic to a website, this subtype focuses on directing users to a specific section within your mobile app.
Strategic Approach
  • Deep Linking: Utilize deep linking technology to ensure users are directed to the exact section of your app you want them to see, avoiding unnecessary navigation after downloading or opening the app. But make sure to set a Snapchat ad cost.
  • Increase interaction with your Snapchat campaign profile, fostering a sense of community and brand loyalty.
Strategic Approach
  • Interactive Elements: Utilize interactive features like Snap Polls, quizzes, or questions within your Snaps to encourage user participation.
  • Spotlight Replies: Respond to interesting or funny replies from users to build connections and showcase your brand’s personality.
Video Views
  • Maximize views and engagement with your video content, allowing you to showcase your brand story, product demonstrations, or behind-the-scenes glimpses.
Strategic Approach
  • Vertical Video Format: Since Snapchat campaigns are primarily on mobile platforms, ensure your video content is formatted vertically for optimal viewing on smartphones.
  • Compelling Captions: Craft captivating captions that entice users to watch your video and learn more about your brand or offer.
Lead Generation
  • Capture leads by gathering user contact information for future marketing efforts.
Strategic Approach
  • Lead Capture Forms: Utilize lead capture forms within your Snaps to collect user information like email addresses or phone numbers in exchange for valuable content, such as an e-book or exclusive discount code.

III. Conversion Campaigns

Goal: This type of Snapchat ad encourages users to take specific actions that lead to conversions or sales on your website or app.


App Conversions

Drive desired actions within your mobile app, such as in-app purchases, account sign-ups, or premium feature subscriptions.

Strategic Approach
  • Retargeting: Target users who have already interacted with your app in some way, such as downloading the app or browsing specific product categories. This allows you to reach users who are already familiar with your app and are more likely to convert.
Website Conversions
  • Drive desired actions on your website, such as online purchases, newsletter sign-ups, event registrations, or e-book downloads.
Strategic Approach
  • Conversion Tracking: Implement conversion tracking pixels on your website to monitor user actions after clicking on your Snap ad. This data allows you to measure the effectiveness of your campaigns and optimize them for better results.
Catalog Sales
  • This objective is specifically designed for e-commerce businesses that utilize Snapchat Catalogs to showcase their products. It allows you to promote specific items from your catalog and drive users directly to product pages within the Snapchat app for seamless purchasing.
Strategic Approach
  • High-Quality Product Images: Utilize high-quality product images within your Snap ad
  • Highlight Key Features: Focus on showcasing the key features and benefits of the products you’re promoting. 
  • Dynamic Product Ads: Leverage dynamic product ads that automatically populate with product information and pricing from your Snapchat Catalog. This ensures your ads are always up-to-date and showcase the most relevant products to your target audience.

Undoubtedly, Snapchat ads are worth it, considering its vast user base. Large enterprises, as well as SMBs, can leverage the power of Snapchat ad campaigns and increase their customer base.

However, authenticity and relevance are the crux of the success of Snapchat ads. Your ads should feel natural and not heavy promotional materials. You can also retarget your ads to potential customers and move them further in the sales funnel.

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